Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Savvy Thanks~

With so much that goes on day in and day out in our lives, it is so important to take the time to stop and think of how much you have and are thankful for in this crazy thing called Life. But no matter how crazy things may be, we can always find something to be thankful for. I am reminded of the gifts in my life every day when I wake up to a loving and supportive husband, kiss the faces of my two beautiful children and share the laughter and memories with great family and friends.

In one word I am Thankful.

Thankful that the Lord thought enough of me to bless me with this life. The life of a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. I am reminded daily of how truly lucky I am to call this life mine. Even when things get rough, life gets crazy and I want to cry I am reminded that I am blessed.

Blessed beyond words, beyond measure and for that I am grateful...Thankful.


And to you.....How can we say Thank You?

Thank You for following Us.

Thank You for joining us on this journey.

Thank You for the Support, Kind Words, Comments and Warm emails.

Thank You for helping us realise our Dream.


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