The Savvy Chic Kids Sale is one of those events that I look forward to twice a year. Why? For a couple of reasons…I get to stand in line and chat with insanely crazy women like me, I get to have the adrenaline rush of getting that one great item (or in my case hundreds…serious), I get AMAZING deals and steals on perfect Secondhand Toys and Clothes, and I get to give back to other moms by buying their gently used “stuff”.
Let me start from the beginning. While I was pregnant with the twins I spent 21 weeks on bed rest. Yes 21 long weeks where I would pass the time shopping online (my husband banned the UPS man from delivering to me) and reading 20+ books on pregnancy, parenting, preemies, multiples and Loosing the “baby” weight (which clearly those reads I did not put into practice). Then I had 3 over the top baby showers and more 'after arrival' gifts than I knew what to do with. So when the twins turned 18 months my husband had a sit down talk with me about getting rid of some of the items the twins had outgrown, lost interest in and or toys that talked. I was devastated, I cannot let go of anything my precious babies wore, touched, or loved. So I ignored him for 4 more months. And then he came armed with a trash bag ready to handle the purge himself. Hold on I cried…I will do it. Then it happened. My girlfriend told me about The Savvy Chic Kids Sale and my OCD went into overdrive (to be clear my obsession with all things baby was out of control). In the first sale I sold over 100 items and purchased over 200. I was addicted!
So what is Savvy Chic Kids? Sale is a special 3-day consignment sale event, held in the spring and the fall, where families come to BUY great name-brand, gently-used items at amazing bargains and also SELL their unwanted and outgrown children’s items and turn them into cash! It is the most established and experienced kid’s consignment sale in the Inland Empire. We take great pride in providing our customers with the best quality items, largest selection, and a clean, organized shopping experience. See what our satisfied customers and consignors say about us

Next week the Fall sale begins and I will NOT BE THERE. I am so sad (grieving in fact)…..but I am suppose to be happy since I am going away with my husband to San Francisco childless for an amazing 3 day wedding (and I am excited). But still I am devastated that I am missing the sale (one of my girlies is getting my pass).

So my girlfriends who have never “Savvy Shopped” always ask why I care so much about this sale. They cannot understand my passion for it. Of course they can’t…you don’t understand till you have experienced it. So let me suggest if you love a good deal, if you know how to do laundry and use Lysol, and if you want an adrenalin rush check out a local Consignment Sale. If you have never shopped a Consignment Event I hope your experience is as good as mine always is at The Savvy Chic Kids Sale.
Don’t know where to find a sale in your area? A great resource for finding sales, tips and tricks is Consignment Mommies, a Consignment Sale Directory & Place for Swap Savvy Mommies to get Advice & Share Ideas.
Savvy Shopping friends!!!!
Smiles~ Bri
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